October 2019:

Apologies for the lack of updates here. We have had months of frustration, waiting, negotiating & building the bar the best we can. We have lines, a bar, paint on the walls and a cold storage room. What we don’t have is the bit between the developer and the estate agents or a functional floor. These are beyond our control and we are working tirelessly to get it chased up.

For more information about the impact of the project and where we are at please see our blog post here.

February 2019:

Planning permission and premises license have been granted!! Other than the legal bits over the lease, it’s looking pretty positive right now!

We have added our light fittings and (maybe prematurely…) had a whopping great cold store constructed on site to keep all our delicious beer down at serving temperature!

Bar coming soon…
Half way done cold room!

November 2018:

Some rather exciting news coming soon we hope!

We currently have planning and licensing applications in for our very own bottle shop & neighbourhood bar in the suburbs of Stockport. More details when it has all be secured, but we are very excited ( and terrified!) to hopefully do something we really love.

Watch this space!